So.. I'm not sure how many of you have heard of Poppin Cookin? (lol).
Basically, it's an edible candy... but you put it together yourself. And of course, it's Japanese :)
I got my hands on one of these babies through
First, here's a Youtube video of how it's done:
And here were MY attempts... it's undeniable that I was much less patient and meticulous.
Please excuse the quality of these photos, since they were taken with my phone :X
My friend Jess and I went to the
Inconvenient Store in Davis to hang out, and do our Poppin Cookin. It seemed like the perfect setting, since the
Inconvenient Store sells Asian snacks-- if this product was awesome enough, chances are Charlie & Raymond (the owners, UCD Alumni!) will stock it. If you're in the Davis area, drop by, let them know Lisa sent you. They're extremely attentive owners, and they love to make their customers happy, so if you've got an Asian product you'd like to see them stock, let them know and they'll try to get it for you :). Prices are extremely reasonable, considering that a lot of their products are from Japan, and all Japan goods are increasing in price. Currently, they're CASH only, but they're working on accepting cards soon.
Here's a shot of Jess inside the inconvenient store-- check out the cute wallpaper, haha
Opened up Poppin Cookin..
All laid out pretty and organized :)
The results...
So cute, so small.

Overall thoughts about Poppin Cookin: I don't think I have to patience to make it as perfect as the Youtuber did, lol. Our piping bag also came WITHOUT the separation down the middle, which mean that we had to mix the creams together, instead of keeping them separate, boo! Also, I'm not sure what the texture of the candy is supposed to be after it "sets" ... but... it tasted AWFUL. Kind of like what you'd expect uhh silicon, plastic and packing peanuts to taste like x_x. Epic fail on the taste part. All in all, this is a novelty product-- I only purchased it because the idea was so cool, not really to actually eat it. Anyone else tried Poppin Cookin? What're your thoughts?
I'm also on a headband making binge... though this one is not very mature.... more for little girls, lol
Many gals have emailed me requesting feather earrings, so here they are! All of them are OOAK, sorry :(
To give a general idea of how big these earrings are:
And of course, a spring pair, because I'm addicted to making Spring themed jewelry :X
Lastly... I haven't had a giveaway in a while, so here's one, in celebration of Spring and awesome weather!
The prize:

- He Qi Crystal Design's Black Feather Earrings
-2 Japanese Kit Kats: Maccha, and Maccha Latte
- 3 pcs. Japanese strawberry candy
- 3 face masks: 2 beauty friends in pomegranate & Cucumber, 1 Yardley's face/body clay mask
NOT PICTURE: $25 USD to spend at :)
Giveaway Rules:
- Must be a follower of this blog
- Must be 18+ or have guardian permission to enter
- Open to residents world wideENDS: April 30, 2011
To earn your first entry: leave a comment on this post, with your name, location, and the link of the item you're most likely to purchase from my website
Please make a NEW COMMENT for each additional entry!
For +1 additional entry: tell someone else about He Qi Crystal Designs: I can't check you on this, so I'll take your word for it :)
For +1 additional entry: be a follower of my Twitter
For +1 additional entry: be a Facebook fan!
For +1 additional entry: Spread the word about this giveaway, and leave the link here!
For +1 additional entry: Leave a NEW review in my shop for an item you've purchase (reviews from prior to April 12, 2011 do NOT count) (Please only review items you've purchased... how can you review something which you have not purchased?)
For +5 additional entries: by making a purchase between now (April 12, 2011) and (April 30, 2011), post your order number here!
For +5 additional entries: make a youtube video spreading the word about this giveaway! be creative =)