I've been pretty busy, catching up with custom orders and doing school-related stuff. I'm also scurrying to finish a bunch of new items for Whole Earth Festival from May 7- 9 at UCD. I'm going to be displaying jewelry for sale at the UCD Craft Center's table =)-- if you're in the area, stop by!
I also wanted to thank everyone who dropped by and left an answer to the question from my last post: What drink would you be, and why? I thought this one was pretty interesting, and wanted to share:
i would be the big jug of koolaid that runs through walls
seems like fun
and demonstrates that under my soft demeanor im a strong and independent woman
dont mess (lol) <3
Congrats, joey! You've won the a pair of kidney wire earrings :D. If you can drop me an email with your shipping address. that'd be amazing =) heqicrystaldesigns@hotmail.comseems like fun
and demonstrates that under my soft demeanor im a strong and independent woman
dont mess (lol) <3
For future reference, creativity counts when answering these questions! The more memorable you are, the more likely you'll win =)
Free Shipping?
In honor of Mothers' Day, I wanted to offer FREE SHIPPING on all orders placed between now and May 3rd, 2010. Please put the code "MD2010" in the comments section during checkout. You'll be REFUNDED your S/H charge after you make payment.
And on the topic of shipping, how do you guys feel about me changing my prices a bit so that it includes free worldwide shipping? Shipping costs includes cost of time, materials, boxes, packaging and postage. I know it turns people off to have to pay an additional cost on top of what you see, and refunding shipping charges can be a hassle. Thoughts? Keep in mind a package with 1 earring in it takes about $2.50 to pack and ship.
Here are some new things I've added to the website that I haven't had the chance to show off on blog just quite yet:
Oh man, the rondelles on these POP and are SUPER shiny. This is the second time I've worked with multi-faceted rondelles (the aquamarine beads), and they are PHENOMENAL. Well worth the price. SWAROVSKI crystals are priced not only by the size of the crystals, but also how many cuts a crystal has-- making this one shiny piece.

This bracelet also makes a beautiful bridesmaid bracelet!
More kidney wire earrings:

Another Galactic (popular) earring!

I had these floral hoops in white gold a while back... now introducing them in gold =)


These red/gold earrings were inspired by one of my older designs, but with a "lucky" twist. Red and Gold are the luckiest colors in Chinese culture =)

Violet AB version of Butterfly Dreamin'

Now these hooks are kinda special-- they're not disconnected from the piece! Generally, we see french ear wires separate from the piece, but these are connected. Grab these quick at such a low price!

This particular green is STUNNING. There are few words that can describe how awesome it is. Not quite as dark with emerald, but definitely darker than peridot. It's called "erinite". PRETTY.

Greige is the hottest color of the season! Grab these for your everyday/work wear!

I finally settled on a signature style of pearl bracelet... pearls with some extra "bling".
I also tried really hard to price this reasonably-- can you believe those small sterling silver spacer beads are $1 each by themselves?
The leaf toggle really makes this piece a classic.

Another uni-sex necklace! I know that the jet pegasus has been really popular among the dudes-- so this one's for you! It comes on a nice 17-inch leather necklace =)

BTW, Jen WAS having a giveaway on Youtube to celebrate her 10K subscribers on her channel.
I was going to post this earlier but was too swamped with work :(. Oh well, doesn't hurt to visit her channel anyway-- she's got tons of beauty reviews (her recent batch of items are Lioele).
Can you see that she's wearing the HQCD Crown/Pearl dangles? ;)
That's all for now.
Shop HQCD Jewelry HERE.
I promise that the next post will be the huge giveaway I've been saving ;)
I'm always open for custom orders/questions/comments!
Oh my gosh that leaf toggle is gorgeous! I also really love your more simple earrings. Glad there are so many choices!
Oh and forgot to mention free shipping sounds like a good idea! I like the pricing of your items and 2-3 dollars added on wouldn't be that big of a difference. Not to me, at least. :p
pretty! I love rondelles!
ohhh, I like your signature bracelet! so prettyyyy
I think the unisex necklace is really cool. The leaf toggle necklace is nice and feminine. It'd be hard to choose between them. And the swarovski bracelet looks so shiny on picture.
I forgot to say something :P Jen is so pretty! It's great that she's modelling jewellery for HQCD :P
Free Shipping can be a good business practice since it give the buyer more motivation to buy more the "hey I save money on the shipping I can get one or 2 more" Mentality. And if you increase pricing by $2 or $3, as Ester said,you will not feel the shipping charge as much and neither will your clients.
Ok, I'll admit it. When I first saw "...your thoughts on permanent free shipping?," I got really hyped up and immediately thought "YES!" But I'd rather pay for shipping as a separate price (I think that's cheaper for your buyers too, hehe :x *looks away shamelessly*.)
If you do permanent free shipping, you'll be increasing the base price for each of your work slightly ($2.50?) to help cover the shipping costs. If a buyer wants to buy more than one item, say three items, that's $7.50 for shipping. Currently, you combine shipping, I think -$1/item?, but sometimes you go lower, so I feel like the combine shipping that you do now will be cheaper. Sure, permanent free shipping might attract more customers cause then they'll be more tempted, but if they really want to buy your works, I think they would pay that extra $3 for shipping.
Okay, I don't know if I made any sense, but one thing I really liked when you still sold your pieces on soompi was your $3 flat rate for US orders. Maybe you can still do that now, but make it $3 for the first item, $x for two items .... $y flat for z+ items? Just a suggestion!
I think the people who are complaining about the additional shipping costs are not serious about purchasing. Your items are expensive to begin with, adding $3 won't turn people away if they were really interested.
Love the red and gold earrings. For the topic of permanent free shipping, I think its a good idea business wise because it'll give customers the idea that they'll be saving on the shipping costs but if it turns out that they'll pay more in the long run if they purchase multiple items thats probably not the best way to go.
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