Happy end of the week =)
I'm generally horrible with posting special listings for Holidays--- but I'm finally able to do it in time for Mothers' Day!
Show Mom you love her by giving her a lasting gift (with an excellent price tag....)

Colors were specially paired together to show the nurturing and feminine side of Mom =)
Very gentle design, simple and clean.
And some more earrings-- back to a little more special and detailed =)
These are back! I finally found these links again. These floral earrings were my top seller last year =)

And finally bringing these back as well =)

A play on the other golden ribbons I had =)

And some more bridal earrings:

I like making bridal earrings that can be worn outside of the big event-- something that's versatile and beautiful, but not over the top =)
Over the weekend, I'm gonna make a video, as well as an entry for my 500-sale giveaway.
General note:
I'm putting my shop on hold from May 7- May 9 because I'll be selling at the whole earth festival at UCD. If there's something you've had your eye on, please get it now. Once things get sold at Whole Earth, I won't guarantee that they'll be back in stock.
Small Giveaway
Open to residents world wide. Will announce chosen winner when I make my next blog entry. Could be tomorrow... could in be a few days, so get your entry in quick!
Answer the following question for a chance to win these:

If you were a drink, what kind of drink would you be and why?
Leave your thoughtful or creative responses in a comment to this blog entry =)
If you were a drink, what kind of drink would you be and why?
I would love to be mango juice, because I would be sweet, and awesome to drink! Lol.
I was a drink I would be coffee.
so many times has coffee saved me during all nighters when I was studying
I would be jasmine tea. Because I love tea, it's good for you, and the jasmine would still keep it feminine and pretty. :) Jasmine tea also smells amazing.
I would be...an icy cold Cola on a hot summer day.
Because I always crave that on hot summer days and it's soo refreshing !
Those Golden Bow earrings are so pretty !!
i would be the big jug of koolaid that runs through walls
seems like fun
and demonstrates that under my soft demeanor im a strong and independent woman
dont mess (lol) <3
i would be an exotic fruity drink, b/c my friends think im fruity haha
I would be beer, the only drink with the ability to heal and make prospective mates better looking.
If I were a drink I would be Strawberry Limeade. Sweet most of the time but there's also a "kick" to me; I'm not the ordinary Strawberry Lemonade, it's LIMEADE. I'm cool and refreshing. You don't know what to expect. =] Most people like me off the bat. I'm very easy to get along with. Just like how most people like Strawberry Limeade. Who doesn't?!
<3 Serena.
I would be orange juice, just because of it is refreshing and healthy. thanks. Lubica
I would love to be Green Tea drink! It's my fave and I love how refreshing it is :D
if im a drink.. hmmm i'll be a tap water.. just like anybody needs.. i dont want to be an option.. i want to be someone/somebody needs =)
hugs and kisses
If I was a drink, I would want to be a watermelon juice drink because they're refreshing and great to have when you want to relax.
If i was a drink, I would be a cup of mocha. A mixture of chocolate and coffee is just the best drink for any occasion, during uni,a day out. Hot or iced =]
I would be fresh, clean water... 'cause it's healthy for people!
If I were a drink I would be an iced coffee! Refreshing and tasty with different ways to be made to someone's liking, haha!
I'd probably be a lovely, yummy cuppa Ghirardelli Hot Cocoa!! Very plain and simple to the naked eye but oh-so-wonderful when consumed!
I would be mango slush bubble tea with tapioca!! <3 Why? because mangoes are my fave fruit and they taste so sweet and together with the slush the drink is so refreshing. The tapioca ties it all together with an extra pop. =D
If I was a drink, I would be a root beer soda!
I would be a root beer soda because it's bubbly, carbonated, and sweet. I would be used to make root beer floats on those hot summer days! I get to mingle with vanilla ice cream! I would pass as "BEER" when I go to parties! Plus, it's made from a "ROOT" so it MUST have some kind of goodness for the body! I even have jelly beans and licorice flavored after me...plus, who wouldn't be able to tell the difference from coke and root beer?! I'm distinguishable! YUM! ROOT BEER, it is!
<33 Rena
If you were a drink, what kind of drink would you be and why?
I would be a Cosmopolitan. The first taste is bittersweet but after awhile it you get used to the flavors and it leaves a sweet aftertaste. My personality is like this, the first time you meet me will be okay but after we get to know each other for awhile, we're much closer and I am much more easygoing.
I'd be coke because it's tasty and unhealthy. :)
I would be a lovely tall glass of gin tonic! Refreshing by the beach but silently packs quite a punch! I think...
shiki6210 at gmail dot com
I would be tea b/c I could be iced or HOT!!
Hi, I would be Green Tea because it's my favorite!! I would be very healthy for people as well as antioxidant. Green Tea is also supposed to slow the signs of aging - so I would also be very popular and make people happy :)
If I Was I Drink, I Would Want To Be A Hot Chocolate Sweet, Bubbly, Tasty, Chocolaty And Delicious (Especially Starbucks).
ooo.. I would be a glass of Iced Red Bean.... there are just so many layers.. mix em up and you get meeee.. :D
if i were a drink, i would want to be a blueberry slushie. cool and refreshing in the summer along with a bit of a sour taste. in the winter, i would freeze my hands on it, but still love the taste
Raspberry lemonade! It's both tangy and sweet and perfect for the warm weather (:
The drink I would be is half cran-apple juice, half lemon-lime soda (sprite or sierra mist) with a splash of ginger ale served over ice with slices of orange, lime and lemon to garnish. Why, because it is refreshing and relaxing at the same time and takes you away from your daily life to a lovely tropical memory.
If I were a drink I would be boiling water [is that a drink?] because, sometimes I have a temper, but all I need is time to cool down.
If you give me enough time,
You will see my true potential.
When you see me, don't judge. I may seem plain, but it takes time to see that I can turn into tea or soda or simply things bursting with flavor.
[okay so this part isn't part of the question...]
But, the people around me are like water too.
Without it, I can't live.
And also because, they're just like me if I were boiling water. (:
This was a really great question btw, I kinda [really] got into it... maybe even over-analyzed it? ahah sorry, but it was fun!
-- michelle
If you were a drink, what kind of drink would you be and why?
If I were a drink, I'd be Pacific Sun Rooibos Tea. It's a tea blend from a local tea shop. I live on an island in the Pacific, so it fits....and the tea has a spicy fruity flavour that is mellow and sweet, just like me!
If I were a drink, I'd be orange juice. It's sweet, healthy and delicious. =)
I would be pink lemonade cause it's sour and sweet. Plus it's pink! I love the color pink. Haha~
I would be a nice hot chocolate with Creaammm :] Mmmm, because it would be the highlight of your day and it will let you have a goods night sleep ;D
I would be a yummy hot chocolate with frothhy creamm on top because it will be the highlight of a stressful day and The begining of a good night sleep :D
I would be watermelon mango bubbletea! Refreshing with a slight twist ;) Plus fun! (Cause the pearls are so fun to chew)
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