Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Food and Earring Porn

... yes... food..

I'm making an effort to cook more. I'll be posting recipes in the next couple of days, but here's what I've been making the last few days:

Last week: healthy, whole grain cookies:

Last night, dinner (which turned out enough to be today's lunch AND dinner, lol)

Ribeye steak :) Pan cooked!

With bacon & onion mashed potatoes, lemon-garlic spinach :) (I LOVE SPINACH.)
^ Also, that looks pretty pink in the photo, but I assure you it was pretty medium well. I prefer medium rare - medium at the most, or else it gets chewy (which it did, sad.)

And tonight, I tried my hand at a souffle..

I've been watching to much Gordon Ramsay!

These were delicious, really. I'm going to bring them to work tomorrow and share.

And of course the earring porn:

More heart chandeliers, due to special request :)

And... a pair of earrings that I've been hoarding, but I think it's time to reveal them :)

Excellent for a night out, and definitely top quality-- excellent for to go with a wedding dress :D

Also, river rafting is awesome (it was a little TOO relaxing for me, I think I would prefer to go when the water is a bit more turbulent...) but I ended up with a nasty sunburn (haven't had one since elementary school)... which I was tempted to take photos of, but I don't want to gross anyone out, haha. Why didn't I ask someone to sunscreen my back? Silly.

That's all for tonight,

1 comment:

sonagitokki said...

HOLY CRAP that last pair of earrings are gorgeous! I don't even like pearls but after getting the Crown ones and seeing these, I might be a convert. and I'd have the ring to match!

..just can't afford them any time soon :(